More Convenient Game-Play through ‘New Launcher’!!
If you install new launcher, you can play game directly through website
An warning message would come out by [SmartScreen filter] in case you use Internet Explorer.
[SmartScreen filter] in case you use Internet Explorer.
※ You can also play game by logging in at old launcher.
New Launcher?
- If you log in at website, the login information is also connected with New Launcher.
- New launcher is available at all browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
However, it may not work properly at certain version.
- If New Launcher doesn't work, set browser option by referring to the guide below.
* How to Install New Launcher
Execution procedures of Chrome browser
Click [Applications Start] button, when the window "External Protocol Request" appear below.

- Click the button "Start Application" after check in "For these types of links remember my choice." in the "External Protocol".
- Click the [Cancel] button, if you don't want to execute.
If you perform [Cancel] in the "Application of the external protocol", you should follow the instructions.
- Please close all the browser that is open.
- Open \C:\User\{Name of PC}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data.

- Open the Local State file using a text editor such as Notepad, and then save it after changing the true to false on softnyxweblauncheris under protocol handler

* If you use other browser, you can resolve this kind of issue in a similar way above.
Please submit a ticket through QnA in case your New Launcher doesn't run with the guide.